How Do I Sell My House In Tennessee Fast For Cash?
We Offer Cash For Your TN House Fast, In 3 Simple Steps
Remember: our service is 100% free, and there’s absolutely no obligation to accept our offer if it doesn’t work for you. Simply follow the 3 easy steps below to get your no-obligation cash offer started.
Get started by filling out the secure form below or giving us a call to (901) 799-3453. Don’t worry, we do not share your info with anyone else!
Get Your Fast, Fair Offer Today!
We’ll call you, answer any questions you may have, and make you a no-obligation offer.
If you like our offer, choose a closing date & get your cash at closing.

We told you We Keep it Simple…Real Simple 🙂
This explains the steps involved, but what exactly goes on behind the scenes?
We know we’re not the only house buyers in Tennessee. We’re sure you’ve seen plenty of sites or mailers promising that you can sell your house fast for cash to them.
Want to know how it all works? More importantly, do you want to know what sets us apart from all the others?
Then keep reading! We want you to know everything about how this process works. So whether you go with us or not, we’ll give you the knowledge you need that will help you make a well-informed decision about how to sell your home fast for cash in Tennessee.
So You Want To Sell Your House Fast For Cash!
… And Still Want A Fantastic Offer!
Most “We Buy Houses for Cash” companies will try to give you lowball offers, hoping you will accept them. We don’t play that game, because we know that deals only work when both sides win. Our analysts do their homework so that we can offer you the most possible cash for your home in Tennessee.
Remember: there is NO CHARGE whatsoever to see what we can offer you.
It’s In Our Best Interest To Give You Our Highest Possible Offer.
Peak Offer is in the house flipping business. We can’t keep flipping houses if sellers don’t accept our offers! The only way to get homeowners like you to accept is to make solid offers that help you accomplish your goals. That’s why we do our best to offer you the most money we possibly can. That’s the reason we have such great reviews 🙂
We make our cash offers based on 4 things:
After Repair Value (ARV):
We take a close look at the market in your area and determine what your house will be worth after it’s renovated. This is how much we can expect to sell the house for once our work is done.
Cost Of Repairs (COR):
Just like it sounds, this is how much we know we’ll have to pay in order to renovate the house. We work with experienced contractors to make sure this number is as accurate as possible.
Our Selling Costs:
When it comes time to sell your renovated house, we’ll end up paying as much as 10% in fees, commissions, and closing costs. Good news for you: you do NOT have to pay any of those. They’re our problem—not yours!
Our Minimum Profit:
Of course, we need to make some profit to pay our contractors, employees and continue to buy more houses to flip. However, we keep our profit to a MINIMUM so we can provide home sellers with the highest offer possible and win the deal.
That’s our business model, keep our volume high and margins low. That way, we keep both sides happy.
The Not-Secret Formula we use to calculate Your Offer
Two of our core values are honesty and transparency. Those values show up in everything we do, which is why we want you to see exactly how we formulate our offers.
[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]
Let’s make it even simpler:
The market value of the house (after we totally fix it up), minus ALL our costs fixing it up (including our profits), will be your offer.
Let’s deep dive into how the whole process works—based on an actual house we recently bought and flipped.
Let’s say this is what your house looks like right now:

She’s not exactly in the best condition, but we’ve definitely seen worse!
All it needs is some light updating and a little bit of elbow grease.
Let’s assume your neighbor across the street, Kim, just sold her house for $250,000. Her house is identical to yours in terms of size, age, and floor plan. But, she put in a new kitchen earlier this year. Last year, she put on a new roof and AC unit. And, just before she listed it, she went through and refreshed all of the paint. Here’s what her house looked like when it hit the market:

Do you see how she was able to pull in $250,000?
Because nobody’s going to pay top dollar for a house in not-so-top condition. Would you buy a place in your house’s condition for $250k when you could have Kim’s for the same price?
We didn’t think so.
“OK I get it. But, if the neighbor’s renovated house sold for $250K, how much is my house worth without the renovations in As-Is condition?”
If we want to sell the house from the first picture above for that premium price, then we’ve got our work cut out for us.
Good question. To answer it, we’d need to send two of our professionals to your house to take a look: our House Specialist and our Contractor. The Specialist’s job is to tell the Then, what to do (and not to do) to improve the house’s value in that market. The Contractor’s job is to tell the Specialist what it will cost. Our goal is to maximize value and minimize the cost of repair so that we can give you the highest possible offer.
Back to our case study…
The House Specialist- says that we need granite countertops. Why? Because that’s what Kim had, and it’s what buyers expect to see at a price point of $250,000 (ARV).
The Contractor-based on his extensive experience in home renovations and up-to-date knowledge of material and labor prices determines that it will cost $45,000 (COR) to complete all the work the coordinator has suggested.
The result: The moment we walk out your front door, we know precisely what we need to do to the house and how much it will cost us to do it.
In this case, a local real estate agent said that the house in an As-Is condition will sell for ~$175K
Let’s Take a Closer Look At The Numbers
After Repair Value = $250,000
Current “As-Is” Market Price = $175,000
Cost Of Repairs (COR) = $45,000
Our Selling Costs = $25,000
Our Minimum Profit For This Deal = $30,000
[$250,000] – [$45,000] – [$25,000] – [$30,000] = [ $150,000]
Your Offer = $150,000
For us, It’s all about the numbers. Most home buying companies will try to low-ball you. Not us. We will never take advantage of you based on how motivated you are to sell. Instead, we simply plug the numbers into the formula and offer you our highest cash offer based on what shows up on the calculator screen. We’re all about making offers that get the deal done. We want you to accept our offer and sign the contract so we can flip your house and you can move on to the next chapter of your life with peace of mind, knowing you got a fair deal from a home buying company you can trust.
“Why Would I Sell My House Fast To You For $150,000 When I Could Sell It With An Agent for $175,000?”
Great question. In the scenario behind this case study, the seller contacted an agent who estimated the house could sell AS-IS for $175K. We agreed with that estimate.
But let’s assume they went that route, and figure out what their bottom-line would’ve looked like after paying commissions (typically 6%), repairs (typically 2%) and closing costs (typically 2 or 3%).
Sale Price = $175,000
Commissions = $10,500
Closing Costs = $3,500
Misc. Repairs = $3,500
Net Amount = $157,500
Let’s be honest: that’s $7,500 more than what we offered. But, at that point, a seller needs to ask him or herself whether she wants a guaranteed fast sale or wants to risk putting the house on the market. Keep in mind: you’re still paying your mortgage, utilities, taxes, and insurance while that house sits for however long it takes to sell—4, 5, 6 months or more.
Another thing to keep in mind: if your house doesn’t sell within the first few weeks of listing, your agent will pressure you to drop the price to attract buyers. By the time it’s all said and done, you’ll have dropped so low that you’ll be lucky to walk away with a profit of $150k.
So, you can sell your house for a guaranteed $150k in as little as 7 days, or hope for $157.5K at some point in the future… that is, if you refuse to lower your price in order to get it sold.
What If The Cost Of Repairs Was $25K Instead Of $45K?
After Repair Value = $250,000
Selling Costs = $25,000
Your Cash Offer = $170,000
That is $12,500 more than you would receive when selling your house to us compared to listing with an agent. That certainly changes things, doesn’t it?!?
Again, this is all about the numbers, about the formula, it has nothing to do with the current situation you are in. Our goal is to provide you with the best offer possible that will work for you and get that contract signed!

Everyone loves our offers, and so will you!
Ready For Your Offer? It is 100% Free, without any obligation to accept. You have nothing to lose!
Why Our Offers for Houses in Tennessee
Are Higher and Better
We know, we know. Everyone says they can beat the next guy. But we will do better.
How? Two reasons:
Our offers are better because we know our numbers. You don’t just guess what your house will be worth after it’s fixed and updated. We take a close look at the market and use our analysis to guide our valuation. We don’t guess at repair costs; we bring experienced contractors who know exactly what it takes to get the job done.
Sloppy house-buying companies don’t know their numbers, and they make up for it by offering you less cash. That way, they can protect their bottom line when they come in over budget. They still win, but you lose.
We don’t play that game. Because we know our numbers, we can make the best possible offer on your home. If we mess up, that comes out of our pocket—not yours.
You don’t have to be a math wiz to see that everything depends on how much it costs us to repair or upgrade a house. If we can keep our costs down, then we can offer you more cash for your Tennessee house. Everybody wins when that happens.
How do we keep our repair costs down?
We’re constantly flipping houses, which means we keep our contractors fat and happy with high-quality work. They love working with us so much that they cut us a break on expenses which we happily pass on to you in the form of a higher cash offer.
Why do we go out of our way to offer you more cash for your TN home?
We said it before; we’ll say it again. If you don’t accept, we don’t flip. If we don’t flip, we don’t eat. We want to reach our goals by helping you accomplish your own.
Let’s work together to get you the best offer possible that will work for you and help you move on to your next chapter in life with peace of mind.

In the section below, we’ll give you clear & simple answers about “How does this whole “we buy houses cash” process REALLY work?”.
We will answer questions you might have and questions you should ask yourself. So do yourself a favor and keep reading. We will share crucial information, along with a rundown of the process from start to finish.
So let’s Get started
Click on the question and it will jump straight to the answer 🙂

“What do you need to know before I can get my offer?”
- Not as much as you might think! Once you fill out the form and give us your address, we’ll be able to look up most of the details we need. After that, we’ll get on the phone for a quick chat in which we’ll ask a few basic questions about the condition of your property and listen to your needs.
- Of course, we’ll also be happy to answer any questions you might have to help you make the best decision about selling your property. Even if it’s not working with us, we will be happy to point you in the right direction. We are here to help!
“Are you going to make me a lowball offer?”
- Absolutely NOT! We never toss out random numbers, hopping a seller with agree. We put our clients first and want to help each one find the best solution for selling their home. It’s in our best interest to make you a good offer that you are happy and get the contract signed. This is how we stay in business. Every deal must be a WIN-WIN for both sides. We always make fair offers based on accurate, verifiable information. We are an extremely professional company with a reputation to uphold. We made our business so efficient that we can afford to make HIGHER CASH OFFERS than any other home cash buyers out there, TRY US 🙂
“OK, I know you won’t lowball me, but won’t I make more on the market?”
- Not necessarily. And when you factor in cleaning, repairs, fees, and commissions, you’ll take more time to make less money. If you give us a call, you’ll be pleased to learn we have other options besides the classic “sell my house fast for cash” scenario. In some cases, we’ll be able to offer full market value or more. There’s one way to find out what we can do for you: fill out our contact form so that we can explore your options together.
“I need to sell fast. How soon can you close on my house?”
- When we say we close fast, we mean it. In as little as a week, we can close on your home and you can get your cash in your hand. Without all the hoops that traditional agents and lenders ask you to jump through, we can move quickly so that you can sell your house and start the next phase of your life! Not ready to move so fast? No problem! We’re flexible and will operate on your timeline. At the end of the day, you get to control the closing and move date. You’re the boss!
“Why should I sell to you and not list with a Realtor?”
- The answer depends on your situation. If you’re looking to sell your house fast, without the hassle of cleaning up and making repairs or the expense of paying commissions, fees, and closing costs, then you’ll definitely want to get a cash offer from us! If you’d rather take the time and deal with the hassle in order to (maybe) make a few more bucks, then call your agent. For a side-by-side comparison between the two options, check out Listing With An Agent vs. Selling To A Cash Investor,
How do you calculate your Cash offers?
- Have additional questions? Visit our FAQ page.